Ordering Sustainable Dual Purpose Chickens
chickens Katie Schrock chickens Katie Schrock

Ordering Sustainable Dual Purpose Chickens

When I first started my meat chicken journey, I had no idea how much I would enjoy it or how much I would learn from the amazing sustainable poultry community. I can’t wait for the opportunity to learn and grow with these 10 little American Bresse chicks!

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Power Surge Scare
Chickens Katie Schrock Chickens Katie Schrock

Power Surge Scare

After the recent ice storm, I have had fears of power outages ruining all of the meat in the freezer - no small investment! But one I didn’t think of was when a power surge cut the power to our garage which includes the freezers and the heat lamp for our brand new chicks! Expecting the worst, I ran for the garage!

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