Egg Delivery


We’ve had so much fun in April starting our egg delivery process and, after working out a few kinks, I think that it’s going quite well! We will be delivering in the Corvallis area every other week. We tried doing every week, but with work schedules, that can get quite challenging. You can purchase eggs on our website HERE or by clicking the “Shop Now” button in the top right hand corner.

Eggs are $4/dozen.
We request you return cartons when you are done with them if they are still in good condition (keeps us from having to raise prices).

Our chickens have been loving the spring and we have some new deliveries for you all this week in the form of our first set of eggs from our American Bresse coop hatching! As I write this, we have four here and two more trying to break through! Hopefully we will get a dozen or so to hatch this time around!


Winter Wonderland